Other Health Impairment


Other health impairment means having limited strength, vitality or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli, that results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment
Fatigue, Mobility issues, Issues involving attention, Coordination difficulties, Muscle weakness, Frequent absences or lateness’s to school, Stamina, inability to concentrate for long periods of time.
To name a few: 
  • Seizure Disorder: epilepsy, or a physical condition when the brain changes suddenly and student shakes uncontrollably.
  • Sickle Cell Disease: blood cell shape cannot carry oxygen to cells effectively: fatigue.    Asthma/Allergies: largest group, student generally feel unwell or tired. (only sever cases receive accommodations other student fall under 504)
  • Chronic health impairments: sever burns, cancer, AIDS, Diabetes
  • Most Common: Helping student make up missed work.
  • Less rigid rules for participation, due dates etc.. 
  • Emotional: find out student problems and help them find strategies by writing or drawing their struggles. 
  • Provide materials with featuring students with similar struggles: books, movie.
  • Work with families!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Learning Strategies: 
  • Check knowledge through verbal responses.
  • Marking or circling correct answers on worksheets works better than filling in blanks.
  • Break tasks into small parts.
  • Assistance with organization of materials and lesson (particularly those with AD/HD). 
  • Modification should only be made when necessary.
Student Support: 
  • Medical Services: Services provided by a professional physiciah, which determines the child’s medically related disability. 
  • School heath services/school nurse: Services provided by the school to ensure a student receives the medical services described in their IEP. 
  • Alternative school settings, Homebound instruction, Services provided by the hospital, Adaptive/assistive technology.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities:
Project Ideal:
National Association of Special Education Teachers:
National Resource Center AD/HD:
CHADD of Utah:

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