English Language Learners

Blog 8

The following links provide information about English Languaged Learners and ways to help them find success in the classroom.

English Language Learners

The growth rate and low test scores of ELL students are discussed in this Education Week article.  Discovering these statitics makes it apparent that all teachers need to meet the needs of this growing student population.  Before long, every teacher will have numerous ELL students in his/her classroom and he/she must learn how to reach these learner.

English Language Learner Law FAQ's

The law surronding ELL students is complicated and intricate.  This link provides information on frequently asked questions regarding the rights of ELL students and their families.

Language Can't be a Barrier

This article provides pracitical information for helping English Language Learners find success in the classroom.  Reaching these students can be a daunting tasks for general education teachers.  The tips provided here will help teachers get started on this challenging endeavor.

Activities for ELL Students

This link provides a plethora of activities for ELL learners.  It even provides quizzes in a variety of languages.

Everything ESL

This website is chock full of ESL reasources.  It contains lesson plans, teaching strategies, reasouces and even a Q &A page.  The information found here will be invaluable to a teacher with ELL students.

ESL Resouce Center

This is another great site that provides tips, tools, activities and various other items that can help teachers of ELL students.  The "How do we correct" link found by click on Teacher Developement is very valuable.  The link provide ways to effectively correct students in a non threating positive way.

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