IEP Process


Click here to access the Parents as Partners Handbook to obtain user friendly information about the IEP process.  This handbook is essential to parents whose child(ren) may be in need of or already recieving Special Education Services.  It clearly details the role of the parents and the educator. By reading this handbook, parents can learn to be effective advocates for their child.

Section 14, Problem Solving is particularly helpful as it informs parents how to effectively deal with issues that may arise.  Navigating through these problems can be very emotional and stressful.   This section provides effective strategies and useful advice for dealing diffucult situations.  The best tip is the quote "You catch more flies with honey" could not be more true.  Educators, just like most people, respond best when treated with respect and in a thoughtful manner.

All parents who have a child recieving services or suspect that their child my need services, should take the time to review the information in this handbook.

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