Instruction and Behavior

Blog 6

The forms listed below are tools to help you provide differentiated instruction for the students in your classroom. 

The first tool is a resource guides that outlines the 4 types of student you will encounter in your class with an overview of ways to meet their varying needs

This second tool is planning sheet that will assist you in determining your differentiation methods for each student.

This third and final tool is sample unit plan for you to reference when determining your unit plan differentiation methods.


Blog 7


The link below discusses things to consider when grading student with disabilities.  Determining how to grade these students can be challenging for a general education teacher as there are many factors that impact a student's grades.  This link provides great ideas and some important facts to keep in mind when grading students with disabilities.   There are also some helpful links if you need more resources.


As today's classrooms become more inclusive, general education teachers are required to find ways to help all students in class succeed.  Gone are the days where one instructional method is used and is effective for reaching all students in a class.  To assure student success, teachers need to differentiate their curriculum.  When a teacher differentiate his/her curriculum they incorporate a variety of instructional strategies while teaching a lesson.. The link below provides more information on differentiation.

Accommodation and Modification

These two terms are commonly used when discussing ways to meet the needs of students with disabilities.   It important for teachers to understand what each is and how they differ.  However, may times, educators struggle understanding the difference between them.  The link below provides information on how to distinguish between these to similar terms. 

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