

Click here to access the article "Networking: How to Get Help for You and Your Students."

This article stresses the fact that we teachers will never know it all.  Questions and problems will arise in which we do not have a solutions.  Reaching out to fellow colleagues, former classmates, master teachers. professor and so on can help us teachers gain perspective and find solutions to things that are troubling us.  Regardless of the years in the field, all teachers can benefit from creating a network of support.  This article outlines ways to create a network of support.


Clik here to access the article "Co-Teaching 101: Lessons from the Trenches."

This informative article explain the theory of co-teaching and then provides teacher accounts of a variety of co-teaching experiences.  The teacher accounts detail both positive and negative co-teaching experiences.  By reading this article, we teachers can gain insight on how to effectively co-teach by reading about the experiences of other.

I particularly enjoyed reading about Ms. Huyghe fourth experience.  It clearly described what makes a co-teaching experience truly beneficial and rewarding to all involved.

Handling Issues

Click here to access the article "Addressing Bumps in the Collaboration Road".

Collaboration can be tough.  Sometimes we are forced to work with individuals who have personalities that conflict with ours, or who have differing opinions on a situation.  This article provides effective skills for handling problems that may occur during collaboration.

The section titled, The Role of Good Communication is  particularly beneficial as it details the importance of good communication.  Often times issues in collaboration can be avoided if both parties used good and effective communication.

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